Accessing and using Forums in Moodle

- Log in to Moodle and access the class site.

- You will find a "Forums" link on the left menu, as well as a link to the forum in the week that it is due.

- click on EITHER of those links to get into the Forums

- You come to a the forum that looks something like this:

Screenshot of Forum


- Click on Forum subject line... in this case: "To begin, let me tell you a bit about myself."

- that will open up the actual text of the forum that I would have posted.

- below my posts, you will see classmates replies.


Forum - Screenshot 2



- you can click on the "Reply" option (circled in red) under my post to post your reply.



- The best way to familiarize yourself with this program is to click around and try different options. You can use the "Intro Post" to "play" and figure out how this all works.