Rachel has spent the majority of her career as a Speech Language Pathologist working with students who are Deaf/Hard of Hearing in schools for the deaf and local public schools. She has also served as clinical faculty at The Ohio State University in the Department Speech and Hearing Science and at Texas Woman's University in Communication Disorders. Rachel has taught several courses in Deaf Education and Speech and Hearing as an adjunct professor at Arizona State University , University of Arizona , and Northern Arizona University. She has given local, state, & national presentations and workshops on literacy instruction. She has authored and co-authored several publications pertaining to literacy instruction with general and special educators. Rachel has traveled throughout the world visiting Japan, East Africa, Europe, Scandinavia, Russia, Mexico, Costa Rica, and the Caribbean . She continues to enjoy traveling, as well as reading, outdoor exercise, crafts, computer technology, and her family~ three dogs, one cat, and her husband.

Professional Interests
Teacher Preparation and Research. Research interests include exploring explicit reading instruction with students who are D/HH, specifically students' access to and use of phonemic strategies for reading and spelling.


  • Ph.D. 1999, University of Arizona
  • M.S. 1987, Teachers College Columbia
  • B.A. 1986, University of California Santa Barbara

    This person has not added any Research Interests.

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