Center Projects

The Ernie Schaeffer Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ESCIE) promotes research in the entrepreneurship domain and believes that research findings should also be translated into teachings for the students in the classroom.

Staff and Students who are part of the ESCIE are currently working on the following projects:

  • Incorporating creative thinking tools in the curriculum
    • Debono's tools – 6 thinking hats, lateral thinking & parallel thinking, which includes curriculum development & offering of workshops to the community
  • Incorporating Service Learning as an Innovative Experiential Learning tool in Engineering Management Courses
  • Creating of education pathways in innovation and entrepreneurship, which includes curriculum development and offering of certificate courses to high school and community college students
  • Cooperating with The American Society of Engineering Management (ASEM) for creating the 2nd edition of the Engineering Manager’s Handbook
  • Research in the field of Social Sustainability
    • Social Entrepreneurship and its evaluation metrics
  • Applying Lean Principles to The Loan Closing Process in California
  • Innovation in the global supply chain – applying lean metrics in the global supply chain
  • Study evaluating entrepreneurship qualities needed from an international context (Countries involved in the study include: U.S, Germany, Finland, Austria, China, India and Japan.)
  • Development of new curriculum with a focus on entrepreneurship at the undergraduate level (The ESCIE is looking for various sources of funding to support this initiative, including from the NSF.)