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CSUN General Education Update

General Education Update — Sept. 12, 2018

To the Campus Community,

I want to share that CSU Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs Loren Blanchard sent CSUN a clarifying communication that confirms that CSUN’s Area F, which preserves comparative cross-cultural studies as a distinct general education requirement unique to CSUN, will remain in place. Dr. Blanchard’s letter also reiterates that CSUN is required to align with the remaining elements of Executive Order 1100-Revised (EO 1100R) by fall 2019 — an extension of one year from the original EO timeline.

As CSUN’s Chief Academic Officer, I am pleased to see this acknowledgement of CSUN’s history and strength in our ethnic, cultural, gender and women’s studies departments and programs. Along with President Harrison, I look forward to our faculty working together to align the remaining aspects of EO 1100R.

If you would like to read Dr. Blanchard's full communication or learn more about the executive order, please check the links on the left.


Stella Theodoulou, Ph.D.
Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs