Summer Academic Enrichment Program

Chemistry AB

Course Materials Fee: $70


This is a rigorous course designed to complete a year-long Chemistry AB class during our five-week summer school. Thus the students are taught at an accelerated pace and should expect to have a minimum of 1 hour of homework each night.  Chemistry AB is a five-hour class. There will be a 20-minute break (time to be determined).

Chemistry AB covers the qualities, relationships, and transformations of the many substances that comprise our environment. This includes atomic structure, the behavior of gases, liquids, solids, and solutions; chemical reactions; periodicity of elements; quantum mechanics; chemical bonding; thermodynamics; equilibrium; bases, oxidation and reduction couples; and introduction to organic chemistry.

The student will demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the qualities, relationships, and transformations of the many substances that comprise our environment. This includes atomic structure, the behavior of gases, liquids, solids, and solutions; chemical reactions; periodicity of elements; quantum mechanics; chemical bonding; thermodynamics; equilibrium; bases, oxidation and reduction couples; and introduction to organic chemistry.

Syllabus: (download)

Chemistry AB Chemistry AB