Professional Development

Attributes, Behaviors, and Competencies of Effective Teams

The following list is just a sample of the attributes, behaviors, and competencies of effective teams:

  • Clear goals and people know what is expected of them in terms of quantity, quality, timelines and tone.
  • There is an expectation of excellence based on: mutual trust, respect, effective communication and accountability.
  • They deal with conflict effectively.
  • They don’t allow poor behavior to continue.
  • Leaders demonstrate by word and action that they respect the job and the people (teach, mentor, inspire, recognize).
  • They invest in the development of the team.
  • They understand that the work they do is important and they derive meaning and fulfillment from the work.
  • Leaders focus more on what is right and express gratitude and appreciation regularly.
  • High performing teams come from high relating people.
  • Leaders model desired behavior – consistently.
  • People help each other be better through support, encouragement and sharing.
  • They avoid destructive behaviors such as blaming, gossip and power struggles.
  • They work as a team, respectful of the experience and talent of others.
  • They operate as though each job has potential to lead to great things.