
Mentor Discussion Guide

Here are some helpful things to guide your discussion with your mentee.

Suggested Activity

  1. Have mentee develop a personal vision statement to include:

    • Think about where you want to be five years from now.

    • What steps may be necessary in order to get there?

    • What kind of impact do you want to have on others?

  2. Ask mentee to write out the vision to discuss in the next meeting.

  3. Use the vision statement to develop goals and create an action plan.

  4. Discuss possible ways to answer above to prep mentee.

Review Previous Meetings

  • Review action items from previous meeting

  • What progress was made on those items?

  • What insight or learning was gained in the process?

Current Meeting

  • Define goal: What is the objective? How does this relate to the final goal?

  • Define the situation: What are the facts? Context? Who is involved?

  • Define options: What can you do? What are the alternatives?

  • Create action plans: What actions will you take? How will you overcome obstacles? When will you do this?

Meeting Debrief

  • What was helpful

  • Is there anything that should be done differently?

  • What did you learn?

  • What worked well?

Next Meeting

  • Determine action items for next meeting.

On Your Own

  • Reflect on each meeting

  • Journal ideas, revelations, reflections, and insights between meetings.