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Academic Resources & Planning


The Department of Academic Resources and Planning is comprised of professional staff whose primary functions include budget planning and management, space and facilities planning, academic scheduling, business continuity planning, and business process improvements.

The Academic Resources and Planning team provides Support for the activities of faculty, staff, and students.  Its Services include:

preparing and monitoring the annual budget for the Division of Academic Affairs, working with the colleges and others to develop annual enrollment targets, ensuring fiscal solvency of the Division, supporting divisional planning processes, preparing financial reports for and managing the accounts of units within Academic Affairs Administration, managing divisional contingency funds, coordinating academic scheduling, recommending space allocations, assisting with facility and classroom technology planning, supporting the Provost with staff human resources functions and planning for faculty hiring, ensuring compliance with fiscal and human resources policies and procedures, assisting with development and implementation of new management systems, and acting as liaison with the Division of Administration and Finance. The team also coordinates the activities of the Academic Resources Council, the Classroom Technology Committee and the University Financial Analysts Group, the Schedule of Classes Coordinator Group, the Strategic Scheduling Team, and various ad hoc committees. Department management also serves as Executive Secretary for the Educational Resources Committee of the Faculty Senate (ERC).

The Academic Scheduling area manages 201 general purpose lecture rooms, two conference rooms in Valera Hall, and the Whitsett Room in Sierra Hall.

In cases where existing support and services are not sufficient, the Academic Resources and Planning team helps develop Solutions that ensure stewardship of resources and effective business practices.