Douglas Glen Whitman
Curriculum Vitae

Department of Economics
California State University, Northridge
18111 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, CA  91330-8374
Tel: (818) 677-4542
Fax: (818) 677-6264


Ph.D., Economics, New York University, 2000. 

B.A., Economics and Politics, the American University (Washington, D.C.), 1994. 

Professor of Economics, California State University, Northridge, Fall 2000 to present.
Microeconomics, Applied Game Theory, Economic Analysis of Law, Methodology. 

     Academic Publications

“Rational Bias in Forensic Science,” with Roger Koppl (Fairleigh Dickinson University), 9 Law, Probability & Risk, 2010. [abstract]

“The Knowledge Problem of New Paternalism,” with Mario J. Rizzo (New York University), 2009 BYU Law Review, 2009. [paper]

“Little Brother Is Watching You:  New Paternalism on the Slippery Slopes,” with Mario J. Rizzo (New York University) 51 Arizona Law Review, 2009. [paper]

“The Rules of Abstraction,” 22 Review of Austrian Economics, 2009. [paper]

“Paternalist Slopes,” with Mario J. Rizzo (New York University), 2 NYU Journal of Law & Liberty, 2007. [paper]

“The Political Economy of Non-Coercive Vampire Lifestyles,” in The Undead and Philosophy, ed. Richard Greene and K. Silem Mohammed, Open Court, 2006.

“The Role of Panels in Enhancing Legal Predictability,” 25 International Review of Law and Economics, 2005. [paper]

“Group Selection and Methodological Individualism:  Compatible and Complementary,” 7 Advances in Austrian Economics, 2004. [paper]

“Group Selection and Methodological Individualism:  Reply to Comments,” 7 Advances in Austrian Economics, 2004. [paper]

“Rational-Choice Hermeneutics,” with Roger Koppl (Fairleigh Dickinson University), 55 Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2004. [paper]

“The Camel’s Nose Is in the Tent:  Rules, Theories, and Slippery Slopes,” with Mario J. Rizzo (New York University), 51(2) UCLA Law Review, 2003. [paper]

“Hayek contra Pangloss:  A Rejoinder,” 14(4) Constitutional Political Economy, 2003. [paper]

“Rent Control and Land Use Regulations:  A Legal and Economic Analysis of Recent Takings Jurisprudence,” with Bruce Zucker (California State University, Northridge), 31(3) Real Estate Law Journal, 2002. 

“Legal Entrepreneurship and Institutional Change,” 12 (2/3) Journal des Economistes et des Etudes Humaines, 2002.

“Evolution of the Common Law and the Emergence of Compromise,” 29 Journal of Legal Studies, 2000. [paper]

“Hayek contra Pangloss on Evolutionary Systems,” 9 Constitutional Political Economy, 1998. [paper]

“Myth, Measurement, and the Minimum Wage:  Sound and Fury Signifying What?” 10 Critical Review, 1996. 

     Policy Publications

“Bending the Productivity Curve:  Why America Leads the World in Medical Innovation,” with Raymond Raad, Cato Institute Policy Analysis No. 654, 2009.

“WHO’s Fooling Who?:  The World Health Organization’s Problematic Ranking of Health Care Systems,” Cato Institute Briefing Paper No. 101, 2008.

“Hazards of the Individual Health Care Mandate,” Cato Policy Report, Vol. XXIX No. 5, September/October 2007.

“Against the New Paternalism:  Internalities and the Economics of Self-Control,” Cato Policy Analysis No. 563, 2006.

 Strange Brew:  Alcohol and Government Monopoly.  Monograph, The Independent Institute, 2003. 


Wirth Institute Workshop on Austrian Economics, University of Toronto at
Mississauga, October 2008.
Presentation on “Taking Internalities Seriously.”

Southern Economic Association, New Orleans, La., November 2007.
Presentation on “Bayesian Bias in Forensics.”

Southern Economic Association, Charleston, S.C., November 2006.
Presentation on “The Rules of Abstraction.”

Southern Economic Association, Washington, D.C., November 2005.
Presentation on “The New Paternalism.”

Economics Workshop at California State University, Northridge, March 2005.
Presentation on “Taking Internalities Seriously.”

Colloquium on Market Institutions and Economic Processes at New York University, December 2004.
Presentation on “Meta-Preferences and Multiple Selves.”

Southern Economic Association, New Orleans, La., November 2004.
Presentation on “Taking Internalities Seriously.”

Workshop on Philosophy, Politics, and Economics at George Mason University,
November 2003.
Presentation on “Meta-Preferences and Multiple Selves.”

Austrian Economics Colloquium at New York University, February 2002.
Presentation on “A Search Theory of Suicide.”

Southern Economic Association, Tampa, Fla., November 2001. 
Presentation on “A Search Theory of Suicide.”
Presentation on “Hermeneutical Roots of Rational Choice Theory.”

American Political Science Association, August 2001.
Presentation on “Rational Choice Hermeneutics.”

Southern Economic Association, November 2000.
Discussant in one session.

American Economic Association, January 2000.
Presentation on “Evolution of the Common Law and the Emergence of Compromise.”

Conference participation prior to 2000 omitted. 

Associate Professor (2006 - present), Assistant Professor (2000 - 2006), Department of Economics, California State University,  Northridge.
Taught:  Price Theory, Law & Economics, Use & Interpretation of Economic Data, Business Gateway Experience, Seminar in Economic Topics (MBA), Introduction to Contemporary Organizations (MBA).

Instructor (1999-2000), Department of Economics, New York University.
Taught:  Introductory Microeconomics, Intermediate Microeconomics

Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Economics, New York University, Summer 1997.
Taught:  Intermediate Microeconomics

Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Public Administration, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, Spring 1997.
Taught:  Economics of Regulation and the Law


Member, University Scholarship Committee, California State University, Northridge.  Spring 2004 – present.

Member, General Education Task Force, California State University, Northridge.  Fall 2004 - 2005.

Member, Graduate Committee, College of Business and Economics at California State University, Northridge.  Fall 2007 – Fall 2008.

Member, Curriculum Review & Policy Committee, College of Business and Economics at California State University, Northridge.  Fall 2005 – Spring 2007; Chair of Committee, Fall 2005 – Spring 2006.

Member, Research & Grants Committee, College of Business and Economics at California State University, Northridge.  Fall 2003 – Fall 2005.

Member, Gateway Experience Committee, College of Business and Economics at California State University, Northridge.  Spring 2001 - Fall 2003.

Member, Policy Committee, College of Business and Economics at California State University, Northridge.  Fall 2001 - Fall 2003.

Member, Recruitment Committee, Department of Economics at California State University, Northridge.  Fall 2001 - Spring 2002.


Panelist, "AirTalk Town Hall: Healthcare Reform -- the Mandate Debate," hosted by Larry Mantle, KPCC 89.3 Southern California Public Radio, March 2010.

Featured Interviewee, “Don’t Break What’s Working in Healthcare,” video, December 2009.

Speaker and Panelist, “Does America’s Health Care Sector Produce More Health,” the Cato Institute, Washington, D.C., December 2008.

Speaker and Panelist, “Free to Booze:  The 75th Anniversary of the Repeal of Prohibition,” the Cato Institute, Washington, D.C., December 2008.

Featured Interviewee, “How to Fix America’s Health Insurance Crisis,” video, October 2008.

Speaker, “Alcohol Regulation,” testimony before Liquor Subcommittee of Minnesota House of Representatives, January 2006.

Speaker, “Strange Brew:  Alcohol and Government Monopoly,” Albuquerque, NM, November 2005.  Annual Meeting of Food Industry Executive Association.

Panelist, “Labor Unions and Public Policy.”  Los Angeles Trade Tech College, October 2005.  For Labor Communication II:  A Think Tank for Union Leaders and Activists.  Instructor:  Lou Siegel.

Speaker, “Is Wal-Mart Good for America?” Debate, Los Angeles, June 2005.
Sponsored by UCLA Center for Labor Research and Education.

Speaker, Economics, Energy Policy, and Debate.  Seattle, October 2004.
Sponsored by Economic Thinking.

Speaker, Santa Clara University Home School Debate Workshop.  July 2004.
Sponsored by Santa Clara University Debate Society.

Speaker, The Economics and Politics of Energy.  Santa Clara, July 2004.
Sponsored by Economic Thinking.

Speaker, Public Debate on Seattle Public Utility Regulations.  Seattle, August 2003.
Sponsored by the Seattle Institute for Justice and the University of Washington Debate Society.

Trustee, American Parliamentary Debate Association, Inc.  May 2000 to 2002.
Tab Director, North American Debate Championship, 2001.
Tab Director, National Debate Championship, 2001.

Faculty Member, Institute for Humane Studies "Cinematic and Literary Traditions of Liberty" Seminar at Chapman University, June 2009.

Faculty Member, Institute for Humane Studies "Liberty, Communication, & Change" Seminar at Loyola University Chicago, July 2008.

Faculty Member, Institute for Humane Studies "Liberty & Society" Seminar at Bryn Mawr College, July 2007.

Faculty Member, Institute for Humane Studies "Liberty & Current Issues" Seminar at Catholic University of America, July 2006.

Faculty Member, Institute for Humane Studies "Liberty & Current Issues" Seminar at Catholic University of America, July 2005.

Faculty Member, Institute for Humane Studies "Liberty & Society" Seminar at Pitzer College, July 2004, July 2005.

Faculty Member, Institute for Humane Studies, Koch Summer Fellowship Seminar. Annapolis, Md., June 2003.

Faculty Member, Institute for Humane Studies "Foundations of Liberty" Seminar at Pitzer College, June 2003.

Faculty Member, Institute for Humane Studies "Liberty, Art & Culture" Seminar at Bryn Mawr College, June 2002.

Faculty Member, Institute for Humane Studies "Exploring Libertarian Perspectives" Seminar at Pitzer College, June 2001.